Case Study quiz

Details about the event:

Owing to technological advancements, this quiz was organised virtually on the Dare2Compete (D2C) platform in two rounds. In the first round, the participants were given extracts from five case studies related to genetically modified crops, issues of soil erosion in India, pollution of river Ganga, ocean acidification, and nitrogen cycle. After reading and analyzing these excerpts, they had to answer descriptive questions which revolved around investigating the problem and critically reflect on the plausible solutions. This would not only provide the students glimpses to the global environmental scenario but also encourage the future generations of leaders to take responsibility for the planet’s health and well being. Participants who performed well in the first round qualified to appear for the second round, which involved a group discussion.


This event gained great attention and appreciation. The quiz platform attracted 6400+ views and 200+ registrations. Certificates were awarded to all the finalists.

Key learnings and conclusion:

It has been well said that forests precede mankind; deserts follow. The earth’s vital signs reveal a patient in declining health. Scientists have catalogued about 1.4 million living species with which mankind shares the earth. Human beings need to understand their roles in creating an ecological balance and take steps towards preserving nature. In the words of Margaret Thatcher, “No generation has a freehold on this earth. All we have is a life tenancy — with a full repairing lease”. Children of today are the policy-makers and activists of tomorrow. If each global citizen takes the pledge to protect mother earth, then we will soon witness a new era of hope and happiness.